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¥3600.00 / Vice-
ZZ - Great White Shark Volleyball Column
¥530.00 / individual
T-26 athletic federation Hurdle stand
¥20.00 / individual
Football Handbook
¥9000.00 / set
Bench press4Combination equipment
¥1400.00 / individual
G-31Rowing machine
¥15000.00 / set
J009 Bench press strength training
¥99999.00 / set
MND-C81Comprehensive training rack
¥8250.00 / set
M36Scissors pull back
¥18900.00 / individual
(Shu Hua) 650Luxury massage chair
¥9000.00 / individual
No evaluation data
¥9999.00 / individual
Y-14Basketball net
¥99999.00 / individual
Iron basketball cart(large size)
¥360.00 / individual
L-07 Basketball Cart
¥40000.00 / set
Basketball court fence
¥1400.00 / set
L-02backboard ring
¥140.00 / set
L-12Team foul and serve right
L-15Competition Score Book
¥98000.00 / Vice-
L-101 Electric remote control basketball stand
¥20000.00 / Vice-
ZZ-109New manual hydraulic basketball hoop
¥14000.00 / Vice-
L-202basketball stands Elite type
¥17000.00 / Vice-
American buried basketball hoop
¥6800.00 / Vice-
Children's lifting basketball stand
¥7000.00 / Vice-
L-306basketball stands
¥50000.00 / Vice-
L-203 Hydraulic basketball stand
¥12000.00 / Vice-
L-407 Haiyan basketball hoop
¥6200.00 / Vice-
L-302Universal basketball hoop green
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